Keynote Speakers

  • Engineering: Creating the World We Want

    Monday | October 14, 2024 | 12:00 - 13:30

    Education is clearly facing a series of opportunities and challenges in response to a number of factors. The effect of the pandemic, changing student population, and advancement/proliferation of technology are but a few issues that are particularly effecting engineering education. This talk will provide a few perspectives on where we stand as a community, lessons learned from prior projects, and how engineering education research and innovation could be used to help advance personalized learning and assessment of engineering knowledge in K-12 and higher education.

  • The Robots Are Coming: Teaching Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Courses to Engineers and Beyond

    Tuesday | October 15, 2024 | 12:00 - 13:45

    Art, design, computing, and engineering principles are often taught in a siloed fashion.  This approach leaves students with a missed opportunity to work together in interdisciplinary teams and learn valuable skills from one another.  This talk will lay out my journey to design and teach more interdisciplinary and inclusive courses to engineers, computer scientists, and beyond.  In one of my courses, The Robots Are Coming! The Robots Are Coming! I illustrate the power of multidisciplinary study and the beauty of collaboration among students.  The course had students augment existing artistic robots and design new dynamic interactive creations, allowing them to gain hands-on understanding of fundamental principles in engineering, computing, design, and collaboration and encouraging them to explore issues regarding spirit, technology, ethics, and sustainability along the way.  My talk concludes with some thoughts on the future of STEM education and how courses may be made more inclusive, collaborative, and engaging.  

  • AI for Education: The Journey is Just Getting Started

    Wednesday | October 16, 2024 | 12:00 - 13:30

    Led by Chris Daugherty, Education Strategy Lead at Google, this presentation explores the transformative impact of AI on education. It will provide insights into the differences between consumer and enterprise AI, showcase approaches for leveraging this technology to achieve positive outcomes, and emphasize the need for a strategy to empower educators to harness AI's potential safely and effectively.