The goal of the IEEE ASEE Frontiers in Education (FIE) New Faculty Fellows (NFF) award is to recognize early career engineering and computing education scholars for the potential of their contribution to the field. The New Faculty Fellows award recognizes up to five individuals for the award ($1000 each) to assist the recipients in traveling and attending the conference.

The $1000 grant is awarded after the conference only to fellows who:

  • attended the entire conference
  • participated in all activities organized for the New Faculty Fellows
  • presented their paper in a conference session
  • produced and presented a poster about their career, teaching, and research
  • interests for display during the “Focus on New FIE Faculty Fellows” session


For the New Faculty Fellows Award, the IEEE ASEE Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference is looking for individuals who fulfill the following eligibility criteria:

  • Have indicated their interest in the grant by checking the box during the abstract submission and/or by submitting the application form using the application link below 
  • Have submitted and got acceptance of a Work-In-Progress or Full paper 
  • Must not have attended or co-authored in any previous FIE conference (prior to 2024).

The applicant must comply with at least one of the following:

  • Tenure or non-tenure track junior faculty in engineering or computer science with no more than two years of employment in an academic institution of higher education, at the time of the abstract submission
  • Postdoctoral researchers with no more than two years of employment in the same role
  • Doctoral candidates defending dissertations during the 2024-2025 academic year
  • For international tenure or tenure-track faculty, who do not follow United States models of tenure in higher education, please clarify in one of the application materials, the model that your institution follows

Preference will be given to eligible authors who have not published in engineering education research. 


Upon full verification of eligibility, candidates will be emailed directly and asked to submit an application and the following documents for the award.

  • A nomination letter/letter of support by the Department Head/ Supervisor/ Advisor. The letter must be on university letterhead and must be signed by the nominator (max 2 pages; Allowed format: PDF)
  • Applicant’s statement of interest for the award outlining how applicant sees themselves excelling in engineering or computing education career and scholarship (max 300 words; Allowed format: PDF)
  • A detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) of the applicant (max 3 pages; Allowed format: PDF)
  • A headshot picture of the applicant (Allowed format: JPG/JPEG, PNG)
  • A letter of agreement to indicate that they will complete the following requirements (if selected)
    • Attend the entire conference 
    • Participate in all activities organized for the New Faculty Fellows 
    • Present the paper in a conference session. Write the details of the session in which the applicant will present the paper
    • Produce and present the poster about their career, teaching, and research interest for display during the "Focus on New FIE Faculty Fellows" poster session

Use the button or QR code below to apply

If you have any questions about the FIE New Faculty Fellows Grant, please contact Dr. Saira Anwar at sairaanwar@tamu.edu.


Dr. Saira Anwar sairaanwar@tamu.edu;  

Dr. Rosa Maria Castro Fernandes Vasconcelos rosa@det.uminho.pt org

Dr. James Harland james.harland@rmit.edu.au

History of IEEE FIE New Faculty Fellows Program

From 2005 – 2010, the IEEE FIE New Faculty Fellows program was sponsored by the Center for the Advancement of Scholarship on Engineering Education (CASEE) of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE). Prior to that, sponsors were the Microsoft Corporation, the Verizon Corporation, the Lemelson New Education Assistance Program, the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Sloan Foundation.

Since 2011, the FIE New Faculty Fellows grant was made possible by the Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) of the American Society for Engineering Education. 

  1. Wednesday, August 28, 2024
    Application Submission

  2. Monday, September 23, 2024
    Decision on New Faculty Fellows Award