Pre-Conference Workshop Guidelines

Pre-Conference Workshop Guidelines

Pre-Conference Workshops provide participants with an opportunity to extend their knowledge and strengthen their skills in the area addressed by the workshops. These sessions offer additional time for interaction with participants since they are allotted three-hour time slots during the workshop day scheduled outside the regular conference blocking. Pre-conference Workshops should provide a collaborative, active learning environment for the attendees. Attendees should leave with skills, knowledge, or materials that they can use in their teaching practice or scholarship of learning and teaching.

Approval Procedure

To be approved to offer a pre-conference workshop, facilitators/authors will need to 1 submit a special pre-conference workshop proposal abstract (800-1000 words) electronically via the conference submission website.

The Technical Program Committee (TPC) will review the initially submitted proposal abstract to determine if it is an appropriate fit for the FIE conference. If the proposal passes the first review, the facilitators/authors will be invited to submit a detailed workshop outline (roughly four pages) that conforms to the required IEEE format for the conference ( Following the second round of peer-review, facilitators/authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection and asked to a two-page flyer that provides sufficient detail to give attendees a sense of what to expect during the session and motivate them to attend. any final requested edits prior to final paper submission.

Additional Information

  • Pre-conference Workshop presenters will submit an outline and supporting documentation for the workshop, rather than a formal paper.
  • Pre-conference Workshops’ detailed outlines will be peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers.
  • Pre-conference Workshops detailed outlines should adhere to the required IEEE format for the conference.
  • Additionally, because workshops are partly evaluated based on the expertise of the facilitators, the submissions should be prepared for single-blind review (i.e., the authors and affiliations should be identified).
  • Pre-conference Workshop presenters must register for and attend the conference.
  • Pre-conference Workshop attendees must pre-register for workshops. You may charge an additional fee to cover workshop materials.

Expected Content

The Pre-conference Workshop proposal abstracts (800-1000 words) and the detailed outline (approximately four pages) must include each of the following elements. An approximate word count for each section of a proposal abstract is provided and can be scaled for the detailed outline, if accepted.

  • Contact Information: Name, affiliation, and email for each anticipated facilitator or presenter in the workshop
  • Goal(s) of the Pre-conference Workshop: List of goals and how these goals align with the goals of FIE
  • Topics/Subjects: Description of the workshop content situated in the context of relevant literature (approximately 200-300 words)
  • Qualification: An explanation of the qualifications of each presenter to leading the workshop (approximately 100-200 words)
  • Agenda: An explanation of the interaction expected during the session and a session agenda that includes details and approximate time allotted for each activity, up to three hours total (approximately 150 words)
  • Anticipated Audience: A description of the anticipated audience and the maximum number of people you would prefer to participate (approximately 100 words)
  • Takeaway: A description of the takeaway skill, knowledge, or material that attendees will acquire (approximately 100-200 words)
  • Special Requirements: Any special requirements for electricity, audio-visual equipment, or materials.
  • Anticipated Fee/Cost: Any additional anticipated fee for attendees to cover materials and supplies. The FIE committee may impose additional fees to cover facility expenses.